Minecraft - 10 Fun Facts about Spiders

Spiders are melee-attackers and small agile mobs of Minecraft that spawn in the overworld at night. There are two types of Spiders: - Regular spiders and Cave spiders (or they were also called poisonous spiders).  Spiders are hostile mobs, but when the sun rises they become neutral mobs.
A regular spider has 8 hearts of health, and damage 1 heart in easy and normal mode. And, they will damage 1.5 hearts in the hard mode. But, don’t think that their health and damage is low, so they were easy to fight. Spiders are one of the fastest mobs in Minecraft and they attack us, slightly jumping, which makes it hard to hit them. 

Credits given to the YouTube channels: - Magma, Cubey, and iDeactivateMC.

Minecraft ,Minecraft Spiders, Minecraft Facts

Why spiders neutral at day

I don’t think that it is the right reason, that why spiders didn’t attack players at daylight or become neutral.

At daylight, the spiders were floating on the ground. I think this is the reason, that they were flying and not feel the presence of the player, but when anyone hit it, and then it would touch the ground again, and start attacking.

Invisibility doesn’t work completely

Yes, you heard right, that the invisibility effect doesn’t work completely on a spider.
As, when you throw a splash potion of invisibility on a spider, then all the body of the spider becomes invisible, but the eight eyes of the spider don’t be invisible and remain visible.

Natural effects

Yes, you heard right that, sometimes or very rarely.
In the java edition of Minecraft, in the hard difficulty mode, there is an 18% chance of spawning off a spider with different effects.
The effect is one of the following: - effect of strength, the effect of invisibility, effect of healing, or the most common, effect of swiftness.
And, sometimes, spiders spawn with multiple effects also.

Also, Read

10 Things you do not know about Skeletons.
10 Things you do not know about Creepers.

Spider jockeys

You saw in my other articles that there are very rare chances of spawning with a spider, with a skeleton, like a spider jockey.
But you don’t know that in the pocket edition of Minecraft, there are also some chances of a cave spider, spawning with a skeleton, and forming a spider jockey.
Another fact, many of you didn’t know that there is also some chance of spawning off a spider with a wither skeleton, in the nether world.
Is it shocking for you?

Cave spiders

Cave spider is the second type of spider that is only found in the caves, or mainly Mineshaft. They didn’t spawn anywhere, other than these 2 places, naturally.
Cave spiders give the poison effect, to the player, when they attack them. Cave spiders are smaller in size than the regular spiders. And, they were faster.
Cave spiders have a green texture that shows they are poisonous. This is pretty cool. Do you think so?

Spider’s 6 senses

Yes, a Minecraft spider also has 6 senses.
If you shoot a spider with a bow, then it runs towards the location from where the arrow shoots, instantly.
If you wanted to keep safe, then run away from the place instantly.

Silverfish sounds like spiders

Yes, when the silverfish first added in Minecraft, beta 1.8, these small mobs sound the same as the spiders, when they killed.
But, in the 1.10 version of Minecraft, this small mob gets its own sound.
I think this is good. As players confuse when any of the following mobs come, because of their sounds.

Make neutral spiders at night

Yes, you heard right, that you are actually able to change a hostile spider into a neutral spider at night.
You saw that a spider doesn’t attack you when it is under daylight.
But if you place a bunch of torches at the ground, then when a spider stands on that ground, then it will become neutral and doesn’t attack you.
It is a pretty weird feature of Minecraft.

How spiders see

Did you know that how a Minecraft spider, see the world?
See the picture below to know. Like creepers, you can also get in a spider’s head in the spectator mode by clicking left-click on a spider, in the spectator mode.
You can clearly see that the spider has eight different visions. It can relate to the fact that likes the real spiders, Minecraft spiders also have 8 eyes and have 8 different visions.
I think it is quite an amazing feature of the game.

Minecraft spider
Minecraft spider

Dinnerbone doesn’t effect

Yes, you know that if you name any mob with a nametag, as Dinnerbone, then it will rotate upside down.
But this doesn’t work with a spider jockey, as if you name Dinnerbone, one of the mobs on the spider jockey will convert, but not the whole mob rotates, i-e, the skeleton, and spider.
I think this doesn’t work because, in a spider jockey, there is more than one mob.

Thanks for reading this, and read my other articles also. Have a nice day.

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